Tuesday 23 March 2010

2 Epics: Ben-Hur / The Ten Commandments

By Adam Bramwell

Recently I decided to watch these 2 "Epic" biblical dramas from the 50's. The fact that they are old and typically 3 and a half hours long will most likely put off most young film goers, which is understandable to a degree, yet ignorant in a sense. After being told countless times that Ben-Hur is one of the greatest films of all time, I decided it was about time to watch it after putting it off for a number of months. The first thing to note down is that with these films, you have to be in the right mood to sit there for such a long time. With the right mood set, I was ready to watch these 2 films in 2 days.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Good Film Vault: Fight Club (1999)

By Adam Bramwell

Yesterday I had a random urge to watch Fight Club, a film I have seen once already. The film tells the story of an unnamed insomniac (Edward Norton), who narrates the film. Having been told by the doctor he needs natural sleep instead of medication, he goes on to attend a testicular cancer support group, where he becomes addicted to the feeling of letting go and releasing emotion, so finds himself attending more, as it helps relieve his insomnia.

Monday 8 February 2010

Recent Releases: Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

By Adam Bramwell


Law Abiding Citizen is a crime thriller film starring Jamie Foxx and Gerard Butler. I already knew the background of the movie having watched trailers and thought that it looked extremely promising. The film jumps straight into a scene of Clyde Shelton (Butler) witnessing his wife and daughter murdered in his own home. After finding out from the case prosecutor (Foxx), that one of the criminals will receive a light charge, and witnessing them shake hands in what he thinks is some sort of deal, Clyde feels betrayed and is out for revenge.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Latest Releases: Everybody's Fine

By Andy Pountain

When i first watched the trailer for this film i thought it would be a typical winter comedy, upon watching the film this evening i was suprised as too how the trailer portrayed it as opposed to actually watching all of it. 'Everybody's Fine' is simply a heartwarming look at the reality of parenting, it may not apeal to younger viewers as it is a bit slow in places but as a whole it left me feeling greatful for what i have in life and also left me with many thoughts.

Sunday 31 January 2010

Latest Releases: A Prophet

By Adam Bramwell

When a film is dubbed to be "As epic as The Godfather", and said to be one of the best films of 2009 (released here in 2010), I think it's only fair to go and give it a chance, despite the fact it's in French.
Firstly let's remind ourselves why The Godfather is one of the greatest films of all time. The stunning screenplay, gripping storyline and characters leave you thinking that the film was nothing short of magnificent. That being said, is "A Prophet" as epic? No. I know I shouldn't pay much attention to quotes such as this, but it's important to mention you're not necessarily getting what it says on the tin when watching this movie.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Recent Releases: Up

By Adam Bramwell

So I decided to watch Up today. I always like to watch films from Pixar, as they are all enjoyable and very easy to watch. They have good stories which stick in your mind which is appealing for adults, as well as the element of fun and the well thought up characters for children. Ever since Toy Story I've been willing to watch each film they release and am pleased to say I'm yet to be disappointed. "Up" is no exception to this.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Recent Releases : District 9 (2009)

By Tasha

Being a media studies undergrad, I understand that films provide both a cultural and social commentary of society. This being said, I believe District 9 has a lot to say about the current state of our society.

I've always been a sci-fi movie fan so going into this film, I already knew I was probably going to like it. I had no idea that this movie is far more than just a sci-fi flick. It had suspense, tonnes of action and drama galore. Above all else, it really make's the viewer think. It's captivating as hell.