Wednesday 27 January 2010

Recent Releases : District 9 (2009)

By Tasha

Being a media studies undergrad, I understand that films provide both a cultural and social commentary of society. This being said, I believe District 9 has a lot to say about the current state of our society.

I've always been a sci-fi movie fan so going into this film, I already knew I was probably going to like it. I had no idea that this movie is far more than just a sci-fi flick. It had suspense, tonnes of action and drama galore. Above all else, it really make's the viewer think. It's captivating as hell.
It tells the story of a group of aliens who end up stranded on earth. It's no accident that they are stranded over Johannesburg, South Africa (political commentary, i think so). The aliens are forced to live in slum-like conditions, completely separated from the rest of society (which i believe is supposed to be a social commentary on South Africa's history with apartheid). The South African government decides to send in a crew to relocate the millions of refugee aliens, by force, to a restricted, isolated camp (which the viewer learns, resembles a concentration camp). Wikus Van De Merwe is the head of this relocation crew and when he comes into contact with alien biotechnology trouble ensues. This trouble leads him to befriend two aliens who in the end, are the only one's who can truly help him.

The film effectively uses documentary style clips and interviews in the beginning to draw in the viewer and provide a background on the aliens and on Wikus. By using both present day filming as well as clips from the past, it really makes the viewer want to pay attention to everything that's going on. It's really interesting to see how the director/writers of the film portray how we humans would act towards aliens if we were to come into contact with them.

The CGI aliens, or "prawns" as they're called in the film seem so extremely real you'd think the actors were actually engaging with them. All the action scenes and explosions are also extremely well done, especially considering this film wasn't a big box office production.

One feature I really enjoyed about the film is the fact that there are no big name actors in it. The lack of celebrities within the film, only adds to its believability and allows the viewer to become really engaged in what is going on.

Overall, I think this film would appeal to many different people. There's something for every type of film lover.

IMBD 8.3/10 - MY SCORE 8.5/10

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